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Understanding the 8 Key Reasons Your Lash Business is Losing Clients

When you start your business as a lash artist, most of your focus is acquiring new clients. But did you know, according to a study, acquiring a new customer can cost you five times more than retaining an existing client, and a loyal client can increase your profits by 25-95% as opposed to a new client who will only add to 5- 20%? While we encourage you to persist in gathering new clients, we also heavily emphasise creating your loyal clientele. As a lash artist, you know the importance of a returning customer. Nothing breaks your heart more than when a client doesn't return to avail of your services again. As a beginner, you may feel shaky about your lashing...

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A Lash Artist's Guide to Client Retention

Have you ever had a client come in for a service and then disappear, never to be seen again? Have you lost a client to a competitor in your area? Have you wondered why that happened?  According to Adobe, repeat customers are nine times more likely to convert than first-time visitors. As a lash artist, if this study is anything to go by, you know how important it is to have a few loyal clients rather than acquire many new clients who don't come back. To grow your business, you must focus on giving your clients exceptional service and experience that would lead to client loyalty. So, how do you ensure your clients come back to you seeking your assistance...

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Why your Lash Salon needs a website

When you start your lash business, you want to ensure you are taking the proper steps. First, of course, the standard advice would be to start your business pages on social media platforms to put your word across and reach out to a broader audience. But, while that is one of the most essential steps, the first step should be to start your website.  You may put the thought of having your business website on the backburner either because you think you are too early on in your business building to have a professional website. Perhaps you already have a large social media following and consider having a website as an additional cost. And sometimes, the idea of managing a...

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5 Essential Social Media Strategies for Lash Artists

According to Sproutsocial, customers' prospects of buying from a brand they follow on social media is 57.5%? This statistic can be awakening, especially when running a small business also means you are juggling all aspects of the business, including lashing. Chances are, you are probably following the herd and posting the same social media, almost the same stuff everyone else is. Is it working for you? Are you able to engage your audience and generate revenue? Are you happy about your social media presence? Too many questions to answer, right? Before diving into this fascinating but labyrinthine world called social media, it is essential to have a roadmap ready. Your content needs to engage and stir desire in your potential...

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Harnessing the Power of After-Sale Services in Your Salon

Shep Hyken, the award-winning customer service and customer expert (CX), quoted, "The best advertising you can have is a loyal customer spreading the word about how incredible your business is." So, it's no wonder that brands like Sephora, Amazon, Apple, and Netflix are some businesses that have tasted immense success because of their highly customer-focused business ideology. Elevating Customer Experience Beyond Lash Appointments As a lash artist, you know the importance of loyal customers for your business. Considering your line of service, you want them to be your habitual customers who will stay with you in the future and be your business's best spokesperson. So, your job as a lash business goes beyond providing beautiful eyelash extensions; your duty is...

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