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5 Facts about Prolong Lash Cleanser

Maintaining the beauty and health of your eyelash extensions is an essential part of our daily regimen. Prolong Lash Cleanser, designed specifically for eyelash extensions, plays a crucial role in preserving your lashes and keeping them squeaky clean. Whether you're a devoted enthusiast of eyelash extensions or a seasoned beauty professional, you are undoubtedly aware of the significance of maintaining clean lashes. In this blog, we're about to unveil the unique qualities of our remarkable Prolong Lash Cleanser, helping you to grasp what sets it apart. You'll soon become a trusted expert on this outstanding product that not only enhances the beauty of your lashes but also elevates your business to new heights. Prolong Lash Cleanser: Gentle but Effective Cleansing An...

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Top Benefits of Having Your Own Lash Cleanser

As a lash artist, you can't emphasize enough the importance of keeping eyelashes clean for your clients. Let's face it, an abiding client and an effective cleanser make all your hard work count. Not to disregard the fact that recommending an efficacious cleanser to your clients is also as crucial a part of your customer service as your reputation as a trusted authority in your field.  Remember, you may have chosen to become a lash artist out of your love for the art, but now you are also an entrepreneur, and finding innovative and intelligent ways to grow your business should be part of your business growth strategy. Creating your own lash cleanser is one of the most creative ways...

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The Secret to Stunning Lash Extensions: Prolong Lash Oil-Free Eyeliner

Have you ever wondered why eyelash extensions are taking over the world and have no intentions of slowing down? This beauty hack may be the best thing to have happened to a lazy girl’s guide to waking up looking fabulous. As a lash artist, you know it is sometimes a hard sell convincing your clients to look after them. From washing their lashes to staying away from oil-based beauty products, every step may be a hard one for you. What if we told you that there is a clever way to convince your clients to look well-put-together while also using effective and beautifying products without losing their minds over potential lash loss? Not convinced? Have you met Prolong Lash’s oil free...

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Choosing the Right Lash Extension Cleanser: Concentrate or Foaming Pump?

Lash aftercare is to eyelash extensions, what life is to death. That may come across as a strong statement, but any lash artist will agree on how vital a good aftercare routine is. With the popularity of lash extensions, the proliferation of lash merchandise can be overwhelming because you will struggle to hone your lashing skills if you use cheap products. As a lash artist, you may be curious about which aftercare products you can confidently recommend to your clients for effective lash cleaning and maintenance. Have you tried Prolong Lash aftercare products yet? Prolong Lash's hero products, Oil Free Foaming Cleanser and Cleanser Concentrate are major assets to stock and retail to your clients. So here's the lowdown on why Prolong Lash Cleanser...

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