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Why you should use an eye serum


Aging is inevitable, and so is the appearance of wrinkles; however, looking after yourself should always top your list regardless of your phase of life. Here we talk about prioritising your skin health, as healthy skin is a sign of your overall health.


When talking about skincare, you should start your treatment focusing on your eye area. Do you know why? Because structurally speaking, the skin around our eyes is thinner than the rest of our body, it also has fewer oil glands. As a result, it lacks fats which means it is less flexible and more prone to environmental stressors like UV rays, wind, and pollution, making it dry and crease over time.


Therefore, introducing an eye cream into your daily skincare routine is imperative to ensure healthy skin and keep those visible creases and crow's feet away. Here are some of the thinking points of using an eye treatment:


Delay aging


Woman using Prolong Lash Under Eye Serum

One standard piece of advice skin specialists share with their clients is that skincare should start in your 20s. You may be surprised at how much our eyes are exposed to. Continuous blinking, squinting, smiling, and crying are all stressors to the eye area. External factors like harsh sun rays, wind, and pollution worsen this. Late-night parties and early morning rush hours can also cause dark circles around the eye area. Introducing an eye serum helps the area stay hydrated from the beginning, thereby tightening the skin and delaying skin wrinkling, and reducing puffiness around your eye area.


Hydrate skin


Woman hydrating her skin with Prolong Lash Eye Serum

As mentioned earlier, the skin around your eyes is the thinnest on your body, so its capability to produce natural hydration is limited to retain or replace its moisture; this is where an eye serum comes in. Most eye serums are lightweight, which allows them to penetrate the skin and work the active ingredients to do their magic and target the cells that are not on the surface, keeping the skin hydrated and nourished. In addition, its proper formulation of ingredients makes the under-eye skin more resilient and nourished. 


Soothe skin from inflammation


Prolong Lash's Eye Serum has the right ingredients

You will be surprised at the number of eye serums available. It can confuse you about which one could be the right one for you. Price often gives you a starter hint at the quality of the product, but the formulation and ingredients are what matters. Let's be realistic; companies will not be able to formulate a product jam-packed with amazing ingredients and only charge you $9.95 for the product. So, if the serum is super affordable, think twice about looking at what's inside the bottle.


If you have a specific skin type— oily, dry, mixed or normal, it would be worth choosing a product that does not react to your skin and cause irritations or breakouts. Prolong Lash oil-free eye serum is primarily formulated with hyaluronic acid, dramatically reducing the chance of causing an allergy compared to synthetic ingredients. Do you know why? Because hyaluronic acid is a natural polysaccharide that our bodies produce and can retain 1000 times its molecular weight in water. Using our eye serum will keep your eye area plump and supple. Its moisture retention trait also ensures the pores of your skin are not clogged if you have oily skin. The presence of hyaluronic acid helps soothe skin from any inflammation and helps in healing damaged tissues. 


Provide additional layer of protection


Woman using makeup

You could be a makeup lover or like going au natural; using an eye treatment is essential either way. Choose a lightweight formula, as heavy creams used around the eye area can cause a condition called milia, where tiny white bumps show on your skin containing hardened keratin. Instead, a water-based eye serum like Prolong Lash's eye serum is lightweight and has ingredients known to protect the delicate area. You can use the eye serum as a primer before applying your makeup; it provides an additional layer of protection. It also lends vigour and youthfulness to your skin sans the puffiness and tiredness that otherwise your eyes may show after a long day or a sleepless night. 


Purpose-formulated serum can be used with eyelash extensions


Prolong Lash's Eye Serum can be used with eyelash extensions


For many years eyelash extension clients have pleaded with their lash artist to be able to use their eye creams and serums, and we heard this plea! Prolong Lash launched the first-ever eye serum formulated especially for safe use in conjunction with wearing eyelash extensions. Considering it has hyaluronic acid, the eye serum can be used around the eye area and all over the face without the fear of causing any allergies or eye irritation. So, for all the eyelash extension lovers who also love their eye serums equally, using Prolong Lash's oil-free hydrating eye serum resolves your quandary with effective results to keep your lashes fluttering and eyes hydrated. 


Boost your eye health


Prolong Lash's Eye Serum can help with the eye health

It is also worth mentioning to ensure you wash your eyes with a gentle face wash to cleanse all the day's dirt and dust before applying your eye serum. Prolong Lash's cleanser foaming pump can be a great addition to your eye care routine. It is a vegan cleanser that gently works on your skin without causing allergies. After patting your face dry, dab a few drops of eye serum on your face and eye area twice daily and lightly work in a circular motion to let it penetrate your skin, making them look bright and hydrated. Applying it during the day will keep your eye area supple and nourished, and using it at night will provide comfort and allow your skin to regenerate and repair while you sleep. 


For decades aging has been stigmatised. While youthful skin has always been a topic of envy, growing old means you are wiser than your younger self and have a wealth of experience. However, there is no harm in looking like you are wise beyond your years because of your youthful glow!

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