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Essential Winter Care Tips for Your Lash Extensions

Winter is a time that calls for hot cups of tea/coffee, snuggles, and the warmth of a fluffy blanket. One can allow themself to be their lazy best during this time of the year. While slacking and procrastinating may seem easier this season, dreary weather and sunless sky can have an effect on your mood, your skin, and, more importantly, your lash extensions if you do not look after them. It is integral to understand that looking after your skin will directly affect your lash health, especially if you have lash extensions. 

Our skin deserves our attention, and your beautiful lashes need to be looked after if you still want to wake up on wintery mornings looking fresh. After all, the very intention of getting your eyelash extensions was to wake up looking like you are ready to go for the day without putting in any effort, right? So, we've compiled a checklist of what you need to know for caring for your lashes during the winter months and how you can continue enjoying and admiring them every time you look at your reflection.

1. Steam and sauna 

  Sauna can damage your lash extensions

Feeling cold down to your core in winter means you're more likely to spend more time in warm places, and saunas are a real drawcard. While it's widely accepted that good-quality adhesives are immune to steam and moisture these days, partaking in sweat-inducing activities can: 

  • Boost build-up on the lash line, increasing the risk of irritation or infection.
  • Cause beautifully crafted fans to close. 
  • Sweat consists of water, salt, and fat and is primarily sterile. However, sweat running from the top of the head and down the forehead is a great vehicle to carry the day's dirt particles, makeup, and skin care products into the lash line. 

So while we don't want you to miss out on the warming relaxation this winter, it's prudent to clean your face before jumping into a steamy room, and it's a MUST to give your lashes a thorough cleanse afterwards with the Prolong Lash cleanser.  

2. Winter sports 

 Winter sports can damage eyelash extensions

Skiing, mountaineering, or ice skating are just some of the sports you might do during the wintertime, and with your lashes on, you need to be cautious around them. Ensure you wear goggles to protect them from environmental triggers such as wind and snow; however, it would be worth trying them on before purchasing them. They shouldn't be too tight or close to your lashes; we recommend getting a bigger size to keep your lash extensions safe from being pushed against the glasses or rubbed against them. 

3. Skin type 

  Skincare is also important during the cold weather

Do you have a skin regime dedicated primarily to cold weather? Being constantly exposed to indoor heating and icy wind, frosty snow, and lack of warmth can cause stress and dryness to your skin. You must ensure your skin is well hydrated because dryness may cause dead skin cells to settle on your lashes, encouraging lash mite colonies that may lead to severe eye conditions and premature lash fall. It is highly recommended to ensure you wash your lashes with an effective cleanser meant especially for lash extensions and not one available over the counter that has not been designed for lash cleansing. 

Prolong lash's cleansers are vegan-friendly and formulated from natural ingredients that have no side effects, irrespective of your skin type. They wash lashes gently and thoroughly without the fear of them falling out and help lock in moisture making your skin feel fresh and supple. To keep your skin moisturized and hydrated, apply Prolong Lash's eye serum formulated with Hyaluronic acid that keeps your skin supple and hydrated and delays aging. They are non-damaging to your lashes and hypoallergenic on the skin, making it a perfect pair for your skin and lashes to be looked after optimally during the cooler months. 

4. Healthy diet 

 A healthy diet can boost your eyelash extension retention

Maintaining a healthy diet cannot be stressed enough. In winter, there is a fat chance we are on a gastronomic journey, especially when you are cooped up in your home. Innumerable cups of hot beverages, delicious holiday dishes, and mouth-watering desserts may be your go-to food options but be mindful that you may be subjecting your body to unhealthy indulgences. Ensure you include veggies and fruits into your everyday food intake; Vitamin B, D, and E supplements are necessary to positively impact your lashes, hair, nails, and skin. 

The red flags 

Lash extensions are a top beauty hack, but you need to be aware of the unlikely situations that may crop up if you do not look after your lashes or have an unusual allergic reaction.  

Knowing when to raise the red flag for your health and safety is always helpful. For example, if your eyes feel itchy, irritated, or watery, this can be caused by poor lash hygiene. Have you ever felt your eyes stinging in the shower days or even weeks after your lash application? There was a time that people may have told you that this was because the glue was wet or breaking down. However, we now know that glue is essentially cured in seconds, and in fact, water makes glue cure super fast. So what's happening? It's likely that the lash line is not being cleansed thoroughly enough. If you are merely washing with water, this will not do the job.

Most people will find that stinging when wet will disappear after a couple of days of cleansing with a purpose-formulated lash wash and lash cleansing brush. 

Suppose you experience a reaction that is immediate during or shortly after having lashes applied. In that case, this is the time to talk to your lash artist and notify them of your symptoms and consult your health care professional. Don't worry; irritation or allergies do not necessarily mean that this is the end of your lash road. Some irritations are seasonal/hormonal/environmental, and even some allergies can be managed with the assistance of a knowledgeable ophthalmologist, optometrist, or doctor. 

Don't let cold weather bum you out; looking after your lashes while enjoying all the good things that come with winter is the way to go. So, follow the above tips, and rest assured you will have lasting lashes. 

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